The Unbound Project has concluded. From 2016 to 2023, it has celebrated more than 150 women at the forefront of animal advocacy. Read more about what Unbound accomplished in that time and how you can continue to explore these uplifting stories.

The Unbound Project has concluded. From 2016 to 2023, it has celebrated more than 150 women at the forefront of animal advocacy. Read more about what Unbound accomplished in that time and how you can continue to explore these uplifting stories.

Most Recent Stories
Jah Ying Chung
Jah Ying Chung is the co-founder of The Good Growth Co., a market research and strategy consultancy “for sustainable and ethical food systems in Asia.”
Eva Meijer
Eva Meijer is a Dutch philosopher, prolific writer, artist, and singer-songwriter, utilizes her many talents to advocate for the rights of non-human animals.
Azul Cardozo
Azul Cardozo is a passionate and tireless trailblazer for animal activism in Latin America. She is also a lawyer, advocate, & punk guitar player. Cardozo has lent her time, passion, and energy to numerous organizations in support of “collective liberation.”
Elsie Herring
Elsie Herring, the great-granddaughter of a freed slave, became an environmental activist after a hog CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation) replaced the small family farm next door to her family’s property.
Filming by Kelly Guerin / Editing by Nardine Groch.