The Unbound Project has concluded. From 2016 to 2023, it has celebrated more than 150 women at the forefront of animal advocacy. Read more about what Unbound accomplished in that time and how you can continue to explore these uplifting stories.

The Unbound Project has concluded. From 2016 to 2023, it has celebrated more than 150 women at the forefront of animal advocacy. Read more about what Unbound accomplished in that time and how you can continue to explore these uplifting stories.

Most Recent Stories
Sunaura Taylor
Sunaura Taylor is an artist, writer, academic, and an activist for both disability rights and animal rights. Her artwork has been displayed internationally and she is currently an assistant professor at UC Berkeley where she teaches classes in animal studies and environmental justice. Taylor utilises her lived experience as a disabled person to present new ways of thinking about disability and animals. Through each strand of her multifaceted work, she examines and challenges what it is to be human, what it is to be animal, and how the exploitation and oppression of both are entwined.
Helena Hesayne
Helena Hesayne, Vice President of Beirut for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (BETA), dedicates her life to taking care of animals who are often the first casualties of war or economic crisis.
Miyoko Schinner
Miyoko Schinner, vegetarian since the age of twelve and vegan since the mid-1980s, has dedicated her life to advocating for animals. She is the founder of Rancho Compasión and of Miyoko’s Creamery.
Elsie Herring
Elsie Herring, the great-granddaughter of a freed slave, became an environmental activist after a hog CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation) replaced the small family farm next door to her family’s property.
Filming by Kelly Guerin / Editing by Nardine Groch.